Daily Archives: March 30, 2017

School Dress Code (Uniform) Subcommittee Meeting – Friday April 7th @ 2:30pm

As you are aware, this year we outsourced the supply and purchase of uniforms at CLG to Devon Clothing.  This decision was made by the Governing Council last year for a number of reasons but was prompted by the resignation of the school assistant who ran the uniform shop for a number of years.

Now that we have one supplier, we are confident that we can overcome a number of lingering issues including the variation of quality we have experienced especially with the polo tops.  We also have a number of decisions to make to standardise the dress code options.

To assist in these decisions, we have established a Dress Code Subcommittee as a reference group.  We are seeking 3 parent volunteers to join the group.  The first meeting will be next Friday April 7th at 2:30pm in the staffroom.  If you would like to be involved, please email Rick Bennallack at rick.bennallack149@schools.sa.edu.au