Update for parents of Year6/7 students who are using the BYOD iPad program

It has been quite a process, taking the whole of last term,  getting all the kids at the stage ready to receive apps from us – either students not having ipads at school on the day we are getting them signed up and logged in (for several weeks in a row!) or not knowing their Apple ID which they need to be able to install the apps.

75% of students have successfully enrolled in “self service” – a procedure that connects a student’s  ipad to our mobile device management system.  Now that this has been done, we can “gift” apps to the children who have successfully joined self service.  On Weds this week (6th May), we will be pushing out the first app (free to kids, school pays) to make sure that they all understand how to get the apps.  This is done through the “purchased” section of the app store so students will definitely need to know their apple id and password that day.

If your child had trouble connecting to our network last term, they were given a letter explaining the process and asking you to tell them their Apple ID. There are a few children who are still not enrolled and they have been asked to see the technician on Wednesday morning, with their apple ID so he can get them up to date.  If your child is part of the BYOD program, it’s really important they have their charged ipad and know their apple ID and password on Weds!

If Wednesday’s rollout goes to plan, we will push out more apps over the next few weeks.  Apple IDs and passwords are needed to install all these apps. They are paid apps but the school is purchasing them and “loaning” them to your child. When your child leaves CLG, the apps will be pulled back and regifted to the next group of BYOD students.

As always, please do not hesitate to drop me an email at Louisa.guest741@schools.sa.edu.au or phone on 8276 1523 if you have any questions.

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