Daily Archives: November 23, 2016

2016 CLG Parent Opinion Survey


23rd November 2016

Dear Parent/Caregiver

In our opinion Colonel Light Gardens is a great school to attend, however we like to hear from our school community about how we are going as well as receiving suggestions about how we can improve.

Each year, often a random sample of around 50 parents are invited to complete a Parent Opinion Survey. As I am new to the school this year I have decided to invite all families to complete the survey and give us useful feedback. This year the entire survey will be completed on line rather than on paper.

Participation in the survey is completely anonymous. No individual or family can be identified unless you decide to include personal information in the written feedback box.

The online survey is now open and will close on Wednesday December 7th 2016.


Survey Link                   https://www.schoolsurvey.edu.au/s/CLGParents2016

Survey Code                 kAWeF9fh          

(it is case sensitive)


If you don’t have access to the Internet at home, you are welcome to use one of the school computers located in the admin building. Please contact the front office to make arrangements.

If you require any additional information, please contact the front office. Thank you for your help in this matter. Your responses will help with future planning.

Rick Bennallack


Colonel Light Gardens Primary School

Email: rick.bennallack149@schools.sa.edu.au

Mobile: 0412 262 231