What: Parent and Child workshop
When : Tuesday 6th September 6.30-8.00pm
Where: Doolette Building
Teachers are running a series of “come and try” workshops for you and your children. Each child will need to enroll in a workshop with a parent.
Our most popular workshops are now full (spheros, green screen movie making and lego mindstorms)
We still have a few spaces in:
writers workshop (60 minutes), R-4
Puppet Pals Storytelling (30 minutes) R-7
Beebots (30 minutes) R-3
Unplugged coding (30 minutes) R- 3
Scratch (30 minutes) 4-7
Explain Everything (30 minutes) 4-7
If you would like to attend, please email Louisa.Guest741@schools.sa.edu.au stating child’s name and class and workshop preference. If selecting a 30 minute workshop, please choose 3 in case one of your choices becomes unavailable. There is plenty of room in the Writers’ Workshop so no need for a second choice for that. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.