Monthly Archives: May 2017

Education Subcommittee Meeting – Tuesday 9/5 @ 7:00pm

The Education Subcommittee of the Governing Council is meeting tomorrow night (May 9th) at 7:00pm in the staffroom.  We usually meet on the second Monday of each term.  New parents and carers are welcome to attend and consider joining this committee which will be focusing on reviewing school policy, organising parent workshops and sharing curriculum information.  If you would like to attend please email the principal at or just come on the night.

Parvovirus B19 Infection (Fifth disease or slapped Face)

There is one confirmed case of slapped face at school in the Reade Building.

Infection caused by parvovirus B19 generally causes only a mild illness. However if a pregnant woman is infected, the infection may be transmitted to the foetus.  A pregnant woman who has had exposure to the virus should seek the advice of the doctor managing her pregnancy.

Spread of infection is by direct or indirect connection with airbourne droplets from coughing or sneezing..

Incubation period is 4-14 days though may be up to 20 days.  Once a rash appears, the sufferer is no longer infectious.

For more information, please read the information below from the “You’ve got What?” book.
