Rescheduling of tomorrow’s school concert – important information

Dear parents/caregivers,

Unfortunately due to the weather conditions tomorrow night we have had to reschedule the School Concert. We are not allowed to conduct outside activities during thunderstorms, which are predicted for tomorrow evening.

Rather than cancel the concert, we have decided to reschedule it to tomorrow morning,

 Thursday November 29th at 9.30am.

The concert is anticipated to finish at 11.00am. We will hold the concert on the southern side of the Mortlock double storey building, allowing students and parents to sit in the shade under the trees.

Parents may start setting up chairs from 8.30am.

It would be advisable for your child to have a beach towel or picnic rug to sit on. Also, if it is possible to send students already wearing at least part of their costume this would be helpful.

We appreciate that many parents may not be able to attend and students may be disappointed. However, we will record the concert on DVD and provide three copies per class for families to borrow.

There will be no BBQ, but a coffee van will be on site from 8.30am. There will also be cool drinks for sale. The Christmas Goodies Stall will also be available. Items for sale are: · Peanut brittle, shortbread, gingerbread and white Christmas – all $5 per bag · Christmas cards containing seeds, 4 per pack for $6 We will be looking for lots of help tomorrow to sell drinks and on the Christmas Stall. Please offer a little of your time if you can. The more helpers, the less time you need to spend!

We hope many families can do some quick rescheduling and join us tomorrow morning as it promises to be a lovely Concert.

Thank you for your understanding,

Sue Woollard Principal

6 thoughts on “Rescheduling of tomorrow’s school concert – important information

  1. B Johnson

    It is disspaointing that this couldnt be rescheduled to another evening as a large percentage of the audience will not be able to attend. We will miss our year 7 childs final concert.

  2. Alicia Simon

    I am just writing to express my disappointment in the change of time of tomorrow’s performance.

    I understand that the weather has necessitated this change but do not understand why it is now in the morning. This will mean that not only myself but many other working parents are being excluded from this event particularly as less than 24hours notice has been given.

    I know this time of year is busy in a school but I am sure there would have been one night in the next 2 weeks that the performance could have been rescheduled on.

    A DVD is not really the same as seeing your own child perform nor is it the same for the child to see their parents in the audience.

  3. Jo

    Just wanted to say thanks for rescheduling instead of cancelling the concert as many other schools have tomorrow. Even though my husband and I cant attend during the day, I am glad that my kids will still get a chance to be on stage and show off the great songs that they and their teachers have been working so hard on. Thanks CLG staff.

  4. Al

    While it is unfortunate that the concert could be rescheduled I’d like to congratulate all the organisers and children for a great concert under the weather conditions


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