CLG After Hours Soccer – Urgent, Coach Needed
We have a large number of younger children wanting to play school soccer in the Under 8 age group. We have enough players to fill 2 teams but at this stage no-one to coach the 2nd team. We urgently need a parent (or two) to take on the coaching role. Games are played Saturday mornings and practice held after school. Other teams have operated successfully with a couple of parents sharing the load, 1 attending training and the other games etc. We will not be able to field both teams without additional parent support. This will result in players having to be either rostered on to games or spend a lot of time on the bench, neither option encourages children to want to keep playing. All you need is a willingness to give it a go, coaching training is available and you will find it a very rewarding experience to give the kids an opportunity to play their chosen sport.
Contact our school soccer coordinator, Olivia (0433 177 793), if you can assist in giving the kids an opportunity to play!