On the last day of school – December 11th an orienteering event is being held, starting from the Clapham Primary School Oval. There will be three courses to choose from of varying distance. Starting times for this event are between 6-7 pm.
If you are interested in taking your child, the cost to enter is $6 for a junior (your child) and an extra $2 for an additional map.
The courses go through the streets and parks of Panorama and the edge of Belair. People will be on hand to help you get started. If you enter the event your time and placing will be electronically displayed online within a couple of days on the Orienteering SA website. Adults and children who love exploring and reading maps, and have a sense of adventure will enjoy this. We would love to see some of the Colonel Light Gardens community involved.
To find out more go the Orienteering SA website and click on upcoming events and any of the other tabs to find out more about this popular international sport.
Des Norman