Daily Archives: August 4, 2017

Swimming and Water Safety lessons

Swimming and Water Safety lessons
As part of the DECD swimming and aquatics program this year, CLGPS R-5 students will be attending swimming over two different weeks. Our year 6/7 students attended aquatics earlier this year.

Younger students will attend Westminster Indoor Pool in week 6 this term whilst older students will attend Unley Outdoor Pool in term 4 week 5. This is a change from last year due to advice from the swimming instructors that older students may find the facilities at Unley Swimming Centre to better suit their needs, as the ‘deep end’ of Unley pool is deeper than Westminster’s pool. With water safety being a key focus of these lessons, the depth of the pool for older students is helpful.

The following classes will be attending Westminster Indoor Pool in term 3 Week 6. A note went home with students this week – Rooms 01, 02, 03, 04, 13, 14 , 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23 & 24

The following classes will attend Unley Outdoor Pool in term 4. Notes will go home later this year – Rooms 11, 12, 20, 21 and the year 5s from rooms 2, 8 & 9.