Daily Archives: March 15, 2015

Reminder Anzac Film Permission Forms need to be returned ASAP

Dear parents,

Well done to everyone who returned their forms already – we only have 68 children out of 641 who haven’t returned their permission forms as of today!  That’s a pretty good effort.

However, we are about to start filming some learning activities and this is very hard to organise if we do not have permission to use your child’s images for this project.

Your child’s teacher will have already provided a duplicate form for you to complete but if you need another, please just ask the class teacher.  If you do not give permission for your child to appear in the film and end credits, please write no in the appropriate sections on the form.

If you have any queries, please email me at louisa.guest741@schools.sa.edu.au or call 8276 1523


Louisa Guest

Assistant Principal